Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blood and Sand

This rusty colored cocktail is a splendid way to enjoy an evening scotch. My original thought was it would have imperialist roots, but it seems it was coined after the 1922 Rudolph Valentino flick of the same name, Blood and Sand, which has a bullfighting backdrop.

It has a honey orange flavor, not too sweet, and full bodied. Quite tasty, will make again.

It was a delight to sip on as my husband prepared lamb pie, and I was happy to oblige him with this scotch (his fave) based drink.


  1. Had this drink a second time, even better! It truly has a hollywood feel to it. It is equal parts scotch, cherry brandy, orange juice and sweet vermouth in case anyone is interested in trying one themselves. :-)

  2. This, we decided tonight, is our winter cocktail. The Artist's Special may become the summer one.
