Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Skinny Parisian Blonde

I call this Skinny because I used fat free half and half making this lovely libation only 184 calories. 

Such a great nod to the fall weather we are having in late August. Brrrr, in the 50s! Cinnamon gives this cocktail the smell and taste of pie, while the dark Jamaican rum warms the cheeks - no blush needed tonight. 

Recipe: 1 oz each dark rum, Cointreau, half and half (fat free 😉).

Monday, August 24, 2015

Aviator (revised)

Generally, the Aviator is a bit too dry for me. The balance of maraschino liquor against creme de violette is more bitter than sweet. So, tonight I reversed the proportions of the two-3/4 oz creme de violette and 1/2 oz maraschino liqueur. Still a dry and citrusy drink, but not quite so bitter, and more colorful too. That's a Luxardo cherry at the bottom. On my list, making brandies cherries. Sounds like a good winter activity to me!

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Barbados Swizzle!

Love this new one. Wonderful hot August day refreshment. Used Zaya rum for this cocktail, which I love alone on the rocks too. Got the recipe from Jennifer Fiedler's The Essential Bar Book that Tom gave me for Christmas.